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Kid's Digital Life
The Must Have Tween App, Xooloo Digital Coach
By Myros Allegre | 18/01/2018
Understanding Your Kids Screen Time Have you ever felt like a broken record when your kid is on their phone? You just keep repeating the...
Kid's Digital Life
3 Reasons Why You Should Help Your Child Create a Kid Blog
By Myros Allegre | 07/11/2017
Cultivating your child’s creativity Is your kid the next Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe or simply loves to write about life? Why not...
Kid's Digital Life
Who the Heck are Digital Natives?
By Myros Allegre | 17/10/2017
Digital Natives Do Digital Natives exist? If so who are they and do any of us really know what that really means? I thought I did until I...
Kid's Digital Life
How to Keep Parental Controls From Ruining Your Kids Life
By Myros Allegre | 03/10/2017
Parental Controls Are Not Always The Solution But The Problem Kids hate parental controls, parents love them and security companies like...
Kid's Digital Life
5 Reasons Parents Shouldn’t Freak Out Over Screen Time
By Myros Allegre | 25/09/2017
Is Screen Time Really A Scary Thing? We hear it all the time, “the internet is dangerous, social media is full of predators, smartphones...
Kid's Digital Life
Child Development : How Much Time Does My Kid Spend on iPhone?
By Myros Allegre | 15/05/2017
Screens are a part of everyday life Screens are a part of everyday life, and parents must learn how to work with their children to ensure...
Kid's Digital Life
Tips for Teaching Your Child Good Digital Citizenship
By Myros Allegre | 15/04/2017
Raising a responsible digital citizen Everyone wants their kids to grow up to be good, honest responsible citizens. However, there is now a...
Kid's Digital Life
Helping Kids Balance Screen Time and Learning
By Myros Allegre | 10/04/2017
Screen time woes “Screen time,” or the amount of time a child spends online or in front of an electronic device, is a topic that causes...
Kid's Digital Life
Effects of Helicopter Parenting, Embrace Negotiation Parenting
By Myros Allegre | 09/03/2017
Decision-making is an important part of child development Sometimes it can be difficult to let go of your authority and allow your child to...