Giving Your Kid Autonomy in Their Digital Life

Xooloo Digital Coach is a coaching app that empowers kids digital independence to help them create responsible digital habits on their own.
Xooloo Digital Coach Trust and secure for teen or tween

A Coach in Your Kids Pocket

There is no bad cop vs good cop, just a smart coach coaching kids. Using real-time insights, kids will discover whether their digital usage is on or off balance so they can make better choices about how they spend their time connected.

Kids in charge!

Give them the opportunity to manage and self-moderate their own time

Real-time coaching

Thanks to non-disruptive notifications, kids get coached throughout the day to optimize their phone, game and app time usage.
Thanks to non-disruptive notifications, kids get coached throughout the day to optimize their phone, game and app time usage.

Time spent connected

The Coach also shows your kids their most used apps and how much time is spent on them.
The Coach also shows your kids their most used apps and how much time is spent on them.

Understanding digital usage

Your kids can also compare their own usage within the app to other kids the same age to discover where they rank among their peers.
Your kids can also compare their own usage within the app to other kids the same age to discover where they rank among their peers.

No Secrets, Always Transparent

Digital Coach also assists kids with their parents worry over digital usage by allowing kids to share their digital norms with their parents.

Internet Safety

You don’t have to worry about their Internet use because our A.I. content analysis engine removes all inappropriate content.

Start Smart from the Start

By design, Digital Coach does not geo or web track, nor do you have access to your kids private messaging and posts. We believe that kids deserve a positive digital experience built on trust, communication and respect.

Encouraging independence

Help change the way your child uses their smartphone